Fishing Regulations

Predominant Fish Species

Largemouth bass

White bass

Channel & blue catfish


Largemouth bass – Daily Bag: 5 fish for any combination of largemouth, smallmouth, Alabama, Guadalupe, and spotted bass. Minimum Length: 14 inches

Smallmouth bass

Daily Bag: 5 fish for any combination of largemouth, smallmouth, Alabama, Guadalupe, and spotted bass. Minimum Length: 14 inches

Spotted, Guadalupe & Alabama bass

Daily Bag: 5 fish for any combination of largemouth, smallmouth, Alabama, Guadalupe, and spotted bass. Minimum Length: None

Striped & Hybrid Striped bass

Daily Bag: 5 in any combination Minimum Length: 18 inches

White bass

Daily Bag: 25 Minimum Length: 10 inches

Yellow bass

Daily Bag: No limit Minimum Length: None

Catfish: Channel, blue, their hybrids & subspecies

Daily Bag: 25 (in any combination – only 10 can be 20 inches or greater in length) Minimum Length: No Limit

Crappie: White, black, their hybrids & subspecies

Daily Bag: 25 (in any combination) Minimum Length: 10 inches

Gar: Alligator

Daily Bag: 1 Minimum Length: None